
By iastoppers.com

Can animals be

Yes, these species are proof of that

Did you know? Penguins in Antarctica have been observed displaying homosexual behavior, nurturing abandoned eggs together just like a typical family

In the world of giraffes, about 90% of interactions could be more about same-sex flirting than we ever imagined. Necking is not just for fighting!

Bottlenose dolphins show us that love knows no bounds. They engage in same-sex activities just as much as they do in heterosexual ones

Even the king of the jungle shows a softer side. Male lions sometimes show more interest in each other than in the lionesses they court

Bison have their own way of expressing love. During mating season, it's not uncommon for male bison to prefer the company of each other

Macaques break all stereotypes with female same-sex relationships forming the backbone of their social structure

The endangered Bonobo apes teach us that in their world, same-sex activities are natural, frequent, and accepted among females

Swans redefine family with 20% of them choosing same-sex partners to start their lives with, even adopting eggs to raise

Not just the wild ones, even domesticated sheep show a significant preference for same-sex partners, with 10% of males opting out of traditional mating

Famous penguin pairs like Roy and Silo from Central Park Zoo show that animal homosexuality isn't just natural, but can also result in a loving family