Black Box in an Aeroplane a storehouse of memory
What is a Black Box?
Also called flight data recorder, it is a device that logs every action of an aircraft while in flight.
What makes Black Box immune from burning or falling from heigh
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It is made of Titanium that can survive any shock.
How many Black Box an aeroplane contains?
An aeroplane has 2 black boxes located at the front and rear of the aircraft.
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Shoe box or a Black Box
Black Box has size of Shoe box.
What kind of data Black Box stores
It stores data on direction, altitude, fuel, speed, turbulence, cabin temperature etc
Are Black box really black
Black Box are either red or pink in colour and thus called ‘Red Egg’.
But why are they called Black Box then
Its interior colour is black.
How are the Black Box useful to state about the accident?
It captures the last two hours' noise of aeroplane including the voice of cockpit and cabin.