
By iastoppers.com

Have you ever seen

known as ‘Earth Pig’?

Aardvarks, often referred to as "Earth Pigs," are unique mammals native to Africa

Aardvarks are called "earth pig" or "ground pig" due to their burrowing habits and pig-like appearance

Aardvarks are primarily nocturnal, spending the daytime in burrows and foraging for food at night

Their diet mainly consists of ants and termites, which they capture using their long, sticky tongue

Aardvarks have a very strong sense of smell and excellent hearing which makes up for their relatively poor eyesight

Aardvarks face significant threats from humans, particularly from landowners who kill them due to the disruptive burrows they leave behind

The use of pesticides in aardvark habitats has led to a decrease in their food sources, specifically the insect populations they rely on for sustenance