7 Most Beautiful Migratory Birds

By iastoppers.com

That Visit India Every Year

Greater Flamingo

India's winters welcome the tallest flamingos, adorning Gujarat's wetlands

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Amur Falcon

Tiny raptors, Amur Falcons, undertake a long journey to Nagaland each winter

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The sparrow-sized Bluethroat breeds in the Arctic and visits Rajasthan in winter

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The iconic Kingfisher migrates to India's Nalsarovar Lake each winter

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Siberian Cranes

Endangered Siberian Cranes winter at Bharatpur, thriving on a diverse omnivorous diet

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Ruddy Shelduck

Ruddy Shelducks spend their winters in Indian lakes, arriving in October

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Rosy Pelican

Rosy Pelicans migrate northward to India's freshwater lakes each winter

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