Project 75(India)- Advancing India's Naval Capabilities

What is Project-75 or P-75(I)?

P-75(I) is an acquisition program by India's Ministry of Defence for diesel-electric submarines.

What was objective of Project-75?

P-75(I) aims to procure a class of six conventionally-powered attack submarines for the Indian Navy.

Features of submarine:

It will have fuel cells and Air-Independent Propulsion System (AIP).

Will it always remain underwater?

As electrical batteries power them, they need to surface every 48 hours to be recharged.

A make in India Initiative:

The submarines will be built in India, aligning with the Make in India initiative.


It can perform anti-surface warfare, land-attack capabilities, and air-independent propulsion.

Technological Features

It will incorporate cutting-edge technologies for stealth, navigation, and combat systems.