Buddha's different Mudra's

The ocean of spirituality

Witnessing the Bhumisparsha Mudra

Also called Akshobya, it is a calling to Earth to witness the truth.

Spirituality of Bhumisparsha Mudra

Also called Akshobya, it is a calling to Earth to witness the truth.

Meditating through Dhyana Mudra

Also called ‘Samadhi’ or ‘Yoga’ Mudra, it indicates meditation & attainment of spiritual perfection.

Significance of Dhyana Mudra

It was used by Buddha during the final meditation under the bodhi tree.

Teaching Vitarka Mudra

Indicating intellectual debate, it signifies teaching phase of preaching in Buddhism

No end & beginning of Vitarka Mudra

The mudra maintains constant flow of energy, as there is no beginning or end, only perfection.

Abhaya Mudra-Remover of fear

Symbolising strength and inner security, it indicates fearlessness.

Enlightenment & Abhaya Mudra

It was shown by Buddha immediately after attaining enlightenment.

Dharmachakra Mudra- Wheel of Dharma

It signifies the setting into motion the Wheel of the Dharma or Law.

Dharmachakra Mudra- Wheel of Dharma

It signifies the setting into motion the Wheel of the Dharma or Law.