Chocolate Industry Meltdown


What led to the rise in prices of cocoa beans?

What led to the rise in prices of cocoa beans?


Crisis hits chocolate lovers: cocoa prices have soared to $12,000 a tonne, nearly quadrupling in just one year, pushing the industry into meltdown

Current Industry Crisis

A blend of El Niño, climate change, and disease among cocoa plants is devastating crops in Ghana and Ivory Coast, major cocoa-producing nations

Causes of Price Hike

Due to bad harvests caused by El Niño, cocoa production has drastically dropped, leading to a predicted global cocoa deficit of 374,000 tonnes this season

Impact of Bad Harvest

Climate change exacerbates the situation, with erratic rainfall and extreme weather posing severe threats to the sensitive cocoa trees

Long-Term Climate Effects

Cocoa farmers earn less than $1.25 a day, falling below the UN’s poverty line, with many unable to afford basic needs

Economic Impact on Farmers

Due to low incomes, farmers struggle to invest in land to boost yields or adapt to climate changes, leading to increased child labor and land sales

Consequences of Low Income

While major chocolate companies earn billions, cocoa farmers' wages remain stagnant, worsening since the pandemic

Corporate Profits vs. Farmers' Wages