Taam Ja’ Blue Hole

By iastoppers.com

The World’s Deepest Blue Hole

Located in Mexico’s Chetumal Bay, the Taam Ja' Blue Hole plunges to an incredible depth of 1,380 feet, nearly matching the height of Trump Tower

Surpassing the former deepest blue hole by 480 feet, Taam Ja' redefines marine depth records, previously held by China's Dragon Hole

Formed from limestone dissolution, blue holes are geological phenomena, presenting vertical caverns submerged beneath the sea

Carved over millennia, these vertical marine caves originated from glacial runoff during the Ice Age

Despite cutting-edge technology, the hostile environment within the blue hole, marked by low oxygen and harmful gases, limits exploration

First discovered in 2021, initial measurements with echo-sounders reached only 900 feet, hinting at its vast unexplored depths

Recent expeditions utilizing enhanced tools like CTD profiles have unveiled more about its unique environment but haven't touched the bottom yet

Scientists speculate an intricate network of caves and tunnels lies at the bottom, aiming to fully explore it in upcoming expeditions