Top 10 Countries with the Highest Flood Risk


In the Netherlands, a staggering 58.7% of the population is at risk, affecting over 10 million people. The 2021 floods in Valkenburg highlight the severity


In Bangladesh, 57.5% of the population, which totals over 94 million, is at risk of flooding. Dhaka, the capital city, experienced intense flooding in July 2020


Vietnam's flood risk stands at 46.0%, affecting 45.5 million people. Oldtown Hoi An, a UNESCO World Heritage site, was heavily flooded after rains in 2017


Egypt has a flood risk of 40.5%, with 38.87 million people potentially exposed. In 2021, Aswan, a city on the Nile River, faced severe flooding, causing deaths and injuries, and driving deadly scorpions into the city


In Myanmar, 39.9% of the population, or 19.1 million people, is at risk of flooding. Frequent monsoons contribute to the country's significant flood risk


Laos has a flood risk of 39.7%, with 2.99 million people at risk. Flooding often disrupts transportation and infrastructure in this landlocked nation


Cambodia has a flood risk of 38.1%, exposing 7.43 million people to potential flooding. The Mekong River's seasonal floods play a major role in this risk


Guyana's flood risk is 37.9%, with a population of 276,000 at risk. The low-lying coastal regions are especially vulnerable to floods


Suriname's flood risk is 37.7%, with 233,000 people exposed. The country's flat geography contributes to frequent flooding


Iraq has a flood risk of 36.8%, with 16.35 million people potentially affected. Baghdad experienced severe flooding in 2015 due to heavy rains
