9 Largest Democracies in the World

By iastoppers.com

India, the world’s most populous country and seventh-largest by area, became the largest democracy in 1947, showcasing a vibrant multi-ethnic and multilingual society


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The United States, the third largest in land and population, emerged as a global power post-WWII, thriving as a presidential republic with a strong democratic tradition

United States

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Indonesia, spanning over 17,000 islands, stands as the largest archipelagic state and the fourth populous, leading as a dynamic Muslim-majority democracy


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Brazil, rich in cultural and ethnic diversity, transitioned from military rule to a democratic federal republic, evolving steadily since its constitution in 1988


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Japan, an economic and technological titan, rebounded from WWII devastation to adopt a peaceful, democratic governance under its 1947 constitution


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The Philippines, with a turbulent history of colonial rule and dictatorship, embraced democracy after a nonviolent revolution, marking a new era in 1946


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Germany, after enduring the scars of totalitarian rule, reunified in 1990, standing today as a beacon of federal parliamentary democracy in Europe


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Thailand, despite political turmoil and military influence, continues to strive for a stable parliamentary democracy, marked by recent pro-democracy movements


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Since the 1789 French Revolution, France has championed democratic ideals, evolving into a key modern republic with deep-rooted democratic values


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