UNESCO World Heritage Site Tentative List

By iastoppers.com

Know how is a site added to


World Heritage Sites denote cultural and natural significance transcending national boundaries, crucial for the collective heritage of humanity

Tentative List

It is an inventory of properties that each State Party intends to consider for nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage Site

UNESCO's Criteria

Properties added to the Tentative List must meet criteria for outstanding universal value, thorough documentation and nomination processes


States Parties are encouraged to submit Tentative Lists with stakeholder participation, providing a brief description and rationale for each property

Submission Guidelines

These include providing property name, location, brief description, and justification for its outstanding universal value in either English or French

Regular Review

States Parties must re-examine and update their Tentative Lists at least every ten years to ensure new inclusions and reassessment of existing ones


Nominations for WHS status are only considered once a property is added to a State Party's Tentative List, initiating the formal evaluation process

India's Recent Additions

India adds six heritage sites to its Tentative List, showcasing its commitment to preserving its cultural and natural treasures


The Tentative List serves as a crucial step in the preservation and recognition of global cultural and natural heritage, fostering international cooperation and appreciation