House Sparrow


10 Amazing facts to know about the


Belonging to the Passeridae family and known as Gouraiya, measures 14-16 centimetres in length and weighs 26-32 grams, featuring short legs, thick bills, and a wingspan of 19-25 cm


Studies on their DNA reveal that 15% of sparrow offspring result from infidelity, showcasing a dimorphic nature where males and females are distinctly different


Once ubiquitous, house sparrows are now facing rapid decline, with certain regions in India experiencing an 80% reduction in their numbers, prompting concern from conservationists


The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified the house sparrow as endangered, with some urban populations plummeting by up to 99%


Native to Eurasia and North Africa, the house sparrow  enjoys a wide distribution, absent only in Antarctica, China, and Japan, thriving especially in the Asian subcontinent's favourable climate


Introduced to North America from England in 1851, the house sparrow population in the region has grown to over 150 million


A close relationship with humans has not prevented a significant decline in the sparrow population over the last two decades, attributed to urbanization, pollution, and modern architecture


While adult house sparrows primarily eat a vegetarian diet, their young feed on insects to satisfy their nutritional needs after hatching


Cats are a major predator of juvenile house sparrows, with many young birds falling victim soon after leaving the nest


Remarkably, house sparrows have developed the ability to swim, even underwater, as a survival tactic when threatened