Chenab Bridge


World’s Highest Railway Bridge->

Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently inaugurated the world's highest railway bridge in Jammu & Kashmir

Approved in 2003, it connects Kashmir Valley to the rest of India and is built over Chenab River, which flows in India as well as in Pakistan

Finalized in 2022, the bridge stands as a testament to engineering brilliance

Towering at 359 metres, it surpasses the Eiffel Tower's height

The bridge spans 1,315 metres, with a 650-metre viaduct on the northern side

Costing Rs 14 crore, it is a part of the ambitious Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Link (USBRL) project

It is designed to endure for 120 years against winds up to 260 km/h

Positioned 1,178 feet above the river, it's built to withstand earthquakes

A strategic asset, it will enhance tourism and military deployment capabilities