What is difference between a Flag State and Port State?

By iastoppers.com

Flag State is a Nation that grants legal permission to a private ship or a boat to fly its national flag on registered ships or boats

For instance, if a ship or a boat is registered with India, it holds legal permission to fly the country’s national flag to showcase its registration with the country

Flag State ensures safety standards via inspection of the registered ships or boats and collects taxes from vessels

Flag State inspects the pollution levels to mitigate environmental impact

Flag State inspects the pollution levels to mitigate environmental impact

PSC has authority to detain or restrict non-compliant ships and can inspect ships regardless of their flag to ensure international safety standards

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) details inspection guidelines and detained vessels

MoU regions, managed by International Maritime Organization (IMO), facilitate communication among ports

IMO issues international guidelines for PSC inspections