Types of Fog

By iastoppers.com

Know the different

What is Fog?

Fog occurs when microscopic water droplets are suspended in the air, reducing visibility on Earth's surface to less than 1 km

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The Science Behind Fog

Air saturation and visibility reduction at Earth's surface culminate in the natural phenomenon known as fog

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Types of Fog

Radiation, Advection, Evaporation, and more, each with unique formation processes

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Radiation Fog

Post-rainfall, nocturnal cooling meets dew point to create radiation fog, most intense at dawn

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Advection Fog

Advection fog forms when moist air cools over cold surfaces, a common sight overseas and on land

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Evaporation Fog

Colder air over warm water bodies creates evaporation fog, a mesmerizing natural spectacle

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Importance of Fog Types

Different fog types affect visibility and climate, each requiring unique conditions to form

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Ice and Freezing Fog

In low temperatures, ice and freezing fog create enchanting winter scenes by depositing ice crystals

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Fog's Impact and Study

Studying fog is vital for weather forecasting, climate research, and ensuring transportation safety

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