Time Capsule,

By iastoppers.com

What is

present in Ayodhya Ram Temple?

Special time capsule has been placed at placed 2,000 feet below Ayodhya Ram Temple

Ayodhya Ram Temple's time capsule includes a copper plate with encrypted information about Lord Ram

Time capsule can be of any shape and size, and are often buried under special monuments

Time capsule's helps to safely store documents, photos, and artifacts from the present era

Engineering techniques such as steel, aluminium, vacuuming, acid-free paper, ensure capsule's preservation for centuries

It is mostly buried with a specific date for reopening, which is intended for future generations

Reopened time capsules are often reburied after new generation adds value in it

World's first time capsule, Century Safe was buried in 1876 at Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, US and reopened in 1976