Bilkis Bano Verdict


Know India's Remission Laws

Bilkis Bano Case

In 2002, Bilkis Bano was a victim of gang rape, and her family members were murdered during the Gujarat riots

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Supreme Court's Ruling

The Supreme Court declared the release of 11 convicts in the Bilkis Bano case illegal, citing jurisdiction issues

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What is Remission?

Remission laws allow sentence reduction, subject to legal provisions under Articles 72, 161, and Section 432 of CrPC

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Restrictions in Law

Section 433A of CrPC restricts remission, requiring a minimum 14-year sentence for life imprisonment cases

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Sentence Review Board

States follow a Sentence Review Board's decision on remission, considering crime severity and inmate behavior

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Laxman Naskar Case

The SC in ‘Laxman Naskar v. Union of India’ laid out five criteria for considering remission

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Remission Criteria

Factors for remission include crime impact, repeat offense risk, convict’s reformation, and socio-economic factors

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Good Behavior in Jail

Jail manuals allow remission for good behavior, with specific rules for those serving life sentences

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Policy Variation

Remission policies vary by state, but the Supreme Court mandates adherence to due process

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