Know how Louis Braille developed Braille script


World Braille Day is observed on January 4, in order to raise awareness on Braille's significance for the blind

Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809, and he lost his sight at age five due to an eye injury

At 10, Braille joined The Royal Institution for Blind Youth in Paris, a leading blind school

Inspired by Charles Barbier's 'night writing,' which involved embossed dots, Braille sought efficient ways for blind communication

In 1824, at the age of 15, Braille refined Barbier's 12 dots into a six-dot code, revolutionizing tactile communication

Braille expanded the code to include math and music, improving accessibility for blind individuals

Published in 1829, Braille's code faced resistance from sighted teachers but gained acceptance among blind students

Teaching at the Royal Institution, Braille's code was slowly integrated into the blind education system

Louis Braille, an accomplished musician, served as an organist while advocating for his tactile language.

Despite initial challenges, Braille's code became globally adopted, evolving into modern Braille technology