Know all about the highest navigable lake in world


Lake Titicaca is the largest freshwater lake in South America and one of the highest lakes globally, situated 3,810 meters above sea level in the Andean Altiplano

Lake Titicaca, estimated at three million years old, played a crucial role in the Incan civilization and straddles the boundary between Peru and Bolivia

Lake Titicaca, estimated at three million years old, played a crucial role in the Incan civilization and straddles the boundary between Peru and Bolivia

Over 25 rivers, including the significant Ramis, contribute water to Lake Titicaca, while the Desaguadero drains approximately 5% of excess water

The lake's region has been inhabited for centuries, with archaeological evidence showcasing the presence of societies like Pukara, Tiwanaku, Colla Lupaka, and the Inca

Indigenous Uru people inhabit floating islands in Lake Titicaca, tracing their origin to the pre-Columbian era and building the Uros, self-fashioned floating islands