Kakori Train Robbery

By iastoppers.com

Know the revolutionaries of The

In 1927, four Indian revolutionaries were hanged for their involvement in the Kakori Train Robbery, a revolutionary armed event challenging British authority

The Hindustan Republican Association (HRA) emerged in 1924 after the Chauri Chaura incident abandoned the Non-Cooperation Movement

Disillusioned by Gandhiji's tactics, the HRA was founded by young activists, including Ram Prasad Bismil and Ashfaqulla Khan, with a manifesto for armed revolution

On August 9, 1925, the HRA executed the Kakori Train Robbery, intending to fund their cause and draw attention, but failed due to gun misfire

British authorities arrested HRA members within 2 years, declaring death sentences for Rajendranath Lahiri, Ram Prasad Bismil, Thakur Roshan Singh, and Ashfaqullah Khan

In 1928, the HRA emerged as Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA), emphasizing Marxist ideals with the Communist International

Throughout the late 1920s, the HSRA participated in protests and acts like assassination of J.P. Saunders and bombing of Viceroy Irwin's train

They intended to establish a federal Republic of the United States of India, rejecting non-violence in pursuit of liberty

By the 1930s, the HSRA waned, losing momentum as key leaders faced imprisonment or death, but left a lasting impact on India's quest for independence