
India-Pakistan War of 1971

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Vijay Diwas

Vijay Diwas

Celebrating India's triumph in the 1971 war and the birth of Bangladesh on Vijay Diwas

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War's Spark

1971: Pakistan's crackdown ignites war, targeting Bengali civilians and sparking Indian involvement

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Operation Searchlight

Genocide and violence against Bengalis and Hindus marked Operation Searchlight's brutality

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India's Entry

India's strategic entry into the war on December 3, 1971, intensified the conflict dramatically

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Road to Victory

Indian forces overpowered Pakistan, leading to surrender and Bangladesh's independence on Dec 16

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War Timeline

From Dec 3 to 16, 1971, a brief but intense conflict reshaped South Asian geopolitics

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Key Leaders

Generals and leaders like Manekshaw and Indira Gandhi were pivotal in India's war strategy

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Pakistan's Command

Pakistan's military leadership, overwhelmed in strategy and execution, faced defeat

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Might and Losses

India's overwhelming military might and strategic prowess led to significant Pakistani losses

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After the war, Bangladesh achieved independence, which marked a significant turning point in the history of South Asia

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