Top 8 Endangered Bird Species of India


Great Indian Bustard

Once considered for India's National Bird, now it is critically endangered

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Bengal Florican

Faces existential crisis with 350-1300 individuals; conservation efforts by Aaranyak in North-East India

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Lesser Florican

Functionally extinct in East Pakistan, 300-400 individuals in North-Western India, known for elaborate courtship dances

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Forest Owlet

Critically endangered with 200-250 individuals, mainly in Melghat Tiger Reserve; rediscovered in 1997 being declared extinct in 1972

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White-bellied Heron

2nd largest heron globally, found in India, Bhutan, Myanmar, threatened by human pressure and habitat loss

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Jerdon's Courser

Nocturnal, insectivorous, rediscovered in 1986 in the Eastern Ghats, limited population found in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh

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Green Avadavat

Nests in colonies, both male and female participate in incubating eggs, they are listed as Vulnerable by IUCN

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Sociable Lapwing

Critically endangered, breeding populations found in Kazakhstan and South-Central Russia, they visit Indian sanctuaries like Tal Chappar and Little Rann of Kutch

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