Deadly Anthrax


All You Need to Know About

Recently, the WHO reported an alarming anthrax outbreak across 9 provinces in Zambia

Anthrax is a highly infectious disease that can affect both animals and humans

The first human cases were reported on May 5, 2023, and by November 20, 2023, there were 684 suspected cases and 4 deaths reported

Anthrax can manifest in three forms: cutaneous, gastrointestinal, and inhalational. Each form has its own set of distinct symptoms

To diagnose anthrax, laboratory tests such as PCR or ELISA are used to identify the presence of Bacillus anthracis

If diagnosed early, most anthrax infections can be cured through antibiotic treatment. Vaccines are also available to prevent infection

The World Health Organization (WHO) has assessed the risk of further spread in Zambia as high and emphasizes the importance of preventive measures

To protect yourself and your community, it is important to stay updated on the anthrax outbreak and follow public health guidelines