Human existence in danger


Here are the reasons

Recent Event

In November 2023, the global average temperature surpassed pre-industrial levels by 2°C, a critical shift in our planet's climate

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Steady Temperature Rise

In November 2023, the global average temperature surpassed pre-industrial levels by 2°C, a critical shift in our planet's climate

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Next Generation Vulnerability

The impact of global warming and climate change will be felt most by our next generation, facing a world even hotter than ours

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Escalating Global Emissions

Daily increase in Global emissions is caused mainly by carbon dioxide, which is highest in the atmosphere in 3 million years

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Arctic Warming

Winter temperatures in the Arctic have surged by 3°C since 1990, further intensifying the global climate crisis

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Melting Glaciers and Rising Seas

Rapidly melting glaciers contribute to rising sea levels, threatening coastal regions and ecosystems worldwide

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Coral Reefs in Peril

Climate change endangers coral reefs, impacting marine biodiversity and jeopardizing the health of our oceans

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Life-Threatening Impacts

Health risks escalate with pollution, heat waves, and threats to food security, leading to a dire condition of the climate

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IPCC Report Findings

The IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) states on the impact of climate change on land, freshwater, and ocean ecosystems globally

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Vulnerable Populations

Low-income urban areas and socially marginalized communities are most vulnerable to the health threats posed by climate change

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Displacement and Migration

Climate change leads to the displacement and migration of vulnerable populations, particularly in nations striving for sustainable development

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Economic Impact

Unemployment and social marginalization will be increased, affecting those with the least capacity to cope with the changing climate

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Impact on Labor Force

Climate change affects the availability of the labour force due to declining health conditions and additional occupational constraints

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Call to Action

The impact of global warming is based on human actions & hence mitigating pollution for the well-being of next generation must be priority

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